tablet open

adesso blog

Most of the time I work from home for the client ING and on average once a week we meet with the team at the office. Today, however, is sprint change day and that means the alarm goes off a bit earlier than on other days.

Like every day, we start the day with a stand-up meeting at 09:00, but not before catching up at the coffee machine. During the stand-up, we briefly discussed what we did yesterday and what we will do today and whether anyone needed any help. It was indicated that a finding had not yet been resolved, so agreed to work together after the stand-up meeting via pair programming to resolve it before the sprint change.

This day is full of meetings anyway to prepare the stories on the backlog for the newsprint.

Yesterday, I developed a final story for an identification system for one of the applications. For these applications, we as a team work closely with other teams that are responsible for parts within the entire workflow. The features have been successfully deployed on the test environment so that the testers can pick them up and pass on any findings to us while we already start the next sprint.

After lunch, we started the refinement meeting. As a team, we scrutinised the entire backlog and reviewed the stories. After deciding which stories we can take into the new sprint, we can (finally) get back to programming hands-on.

The rest of the afternoon I spent on various tests and resolving outstanding findings. In the meantime, I helped a colleague who got stuck developing a new feature, after which I still had time to study the new feature I will start working on tomorrow.

This will save me time tomorrow, which also works out well as I will be starting an Angular Architect Workshop tomorrow afternoon.

Before you know it, the day has flown by again! Although this was a day with slightly more meetings than usual. Still, I solved the necessary challenges and was able to delve deeper into micro-frontends and APIs!

Home for now, but first a quick visit to the gym!

Picture Marvin Slegt

Author Marvin Slegt

As Frontend Developer Marvin Slegt is part of the growing Bluefront of adesso Netherlands.