adesso on its way to a better future

Making a positive impact on the environment, is important. Therefore, we try to minimize our CO2 emissions and offset wherever possible.

How do we achieve this? By collaborating with the environmental superheroes at Regreener! Together, we embark on green initiatives such as planting trees in the Netherlands and cultivating forests in Zambia.

For every employee joining the adesso family, we plant 25 trees! And when it comes to business, we’re turning transactions into transformation. For every 5,000 euros in turnover, we're sowing the seeds of change by planting another tree. Tree by tree, step by step towards a greener, more vibrant planet.

Curious about our projects? Dive into the details of our projects by reading the content below, or check our company page at Regreener and keep track of how many trees already have been planted to create a greener, brighter tomorrow!

Tree planting in the Netherlands

Through the partnership of Regreener with LifeTerra, they help to support tree-planting on sites around the Netherlands. The project works with local landowners such as farmers, to help plant trees on their land – including as part of reforestation and restoration efforts on degraded land, or afforestation (planting new trees where previously there were none).

Growing forests in Zambia

Zambia’s Copperbelt is a deforestation hotspot. Since 2011, project partner WeForest of Regreener has engaged hundreds of farmers in the Luanshya province regenerating over 2.000ha through assisted natural regeneration.

Let's create a future that's not just brighter, but greener too!