
adesso Blog

Inside adesso

19.07.2023 By Jordy Zenik

A day with our adessi: Jordy Zenik

Picture Jordy Zenik

Jordy, a Software Engineer at our special squad Blue4IT. His client is Alliande tell us how is a day of work. He starts his morning participating in a stand-up meeting, brainstormed a new system, designed algorithms, and sought advice from ChatGPT. After coding for a bit, he logged off and went to the gym, ready for another day at work.

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Inside adesso

Discover the perfect board game for your next team activity in this post you can check the 10 types of board games tailored to different types of developers. Whether you're a team player, planner, risk-taker, politician, pair programmer, cherry-picker, independent worker, reviewer, analyst, or communicator, there's a game recommended just for you.

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Inside adesso

05.07.2023 By Hugin Roijmans

A day with our adessi: Hugin Roijmans

Picture Hugin Roijmans

In this post, Hugin one of our Software Developers, describes his workday, which involves commuting to the office by bicycle, collaborating with their team, participating in daily standup meetings, refining user stories, and engaging in pair programming. They enjoy a lunch break with their team, go for a walk, and indulge in Greek pita gyros. Then he successfully codes a feature, merges a pull request, and wraps up his tasks for the day. After work, he spends quality time with their family and plans to go for a run in the evening. Overall, it was a productive day with a good balance of work and personal life.

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Inside adesso

23.06.2023 By Guus de Wit

A day with our adessi: Guus de Wit

Picture Guus de Wit

In this post, you glimpse a typical weekly office day at Rabobank. It covers aspects such as morning routines, standup meetings, refinement sessions, lunch breaks, coding activities, and a team board game session. Guus, one our Software Engineers highlights the importance of collaboration, communication, and enjoyment within the team.

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Inside adesso

19.04.2023 By Eugène Dauphin

A day with our adessi: Powering Up Productivity

Picture Eugène Dauphin

Join us for a day in the life of a tech professional, as our Business Productivity Lead takes you on a journey through his challenging yet rewarding work in the maritime sector. From automating processes to developing user stories and meeting with stakeholders, this is a glimpse into the exciting world of Microsoft Power Platform. Get a taste of the fast-paced and collaborative environment, and see why every day is a fun and enjoyable experience at adesso.

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Inside adesso

We are proud to announce our recent contribution to the Devoxx4Kids Netherlands Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes ICT awareness among children. With a donation, Adesso Netherlands has demonstrated its commitment to supporting the Foundation's mission of inspiring children to pursue ICT education. This contribution reflects adesso Netherlands' dedication to empowering the next generation of ICT leaders and serves as an example for other companies to follow.

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Inside adesso

In this interview, a Java developer at CodeSquad working with Rabobank, shared his journey into the field, his reasons for choosing Java as his preferred language, and his experience working with CodeSquad. He emphasized the importance of continuous learning and development, and shared his favorite tools and techniques, including test-driven development and the Spring framework. Overall, this interview provides valuable insights into the world of Java development from the perspective of a motivated and driven developer.

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Inside adesso

Are you curious about what a typical day in the life of a Frontend developer looks like? Well, we've got you covered! Here at adesso, we have some amazing Frontend developers who work tirelessly to bring the best digital experiences to our clients. We'll take you on a journey through a day in the life of one of our talented frontend developers. From coding to collaborating with colleagues, you'll get a glimpse into what it takes to be a Frontend developer in today's fast-paced digital world.

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Inside adesso

28.06.2022 By Tobias Dieter

An e-mail is as harmful as a plastic bag

Picture Tobias Dieter

This blog post examines whether sending e-mails is harmful to the environment and lists ways to protect the environment and the climate.

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